MAXON RCP-660 - Real Tube Compressor


Tube compression is the stuff of legend, and many of the greatest recordings of all time were tracked using tube compressors in the studio. The RCP660 takes that amazing tube tone and packs it into a compact, floor mounted stompbox that can be used virtually anywhere. The RCP660’s controls are incredibly simple to use – Master controls the output volume, while Sensitivity determines when the compression is activated. Attack and Sustain knobs control the degree of compression and intensity, allowing for everything from a subtle pinch to extreme squash. The RCP660 also features a Footswitchable Boost function, allowing for quick changes between solo and rhythm playing, or the ability to use it as a clean Booster in front of your amp. Powered by one hand-selected 12AX7WXT preamp tube, the RCP660 can be used for Guitar or Bass due to its transparent operation. When you’re playing demands the sound of classic tube compression, the RCP660 Real Compressor is the only real choice.


Input Impedance: 500 Ohms
Input Jack: 1/4" standard phone jack
Output Impedance: less than 10K Ohms
Output Jack: 1/4" standard phone jack
Input Noise: less than -105 dB (input shorted, IHF-A weighted)
Max Output Level: +10 dB (typical)
Controls: Sensitivity, Attack, Sustain
Switches: Boost, Effect Maximum Gain 47 dB / 34 dB (boost on/off) with all knobs at maximum
Compression Ratio: 3:1 (approximate)
Attack: Time 1 to 12 mSec. (at input -10dB, 1KHz)
Tube: Selected dual triode tube (typically Sovtek 12AX7WXT)
Power Consumption: 160 mA at 10VDC / 160 mA at 9VDC
Dimensions: 110 (W) x 160 (D) x 72 (H) mm


